Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nothing has ever felt like this

when you hear moms talking about motherhood when you are not a mom you mistake the tired looks and crazy hair the strained voices for sadness. but what i have come to find out is although you are tired and trying to adjust to the changes, your heart and your soul is bursting with love....I had my bundle of joy and pure happiness on August 27th 2009, during the whole pregnancy i didn't know what to expect and I was terrified of that due date...i kinda felt like the count down to dooms day, i didn't know what to expect and i had soooo many questions like was it going to hurt, how long will it be, and when that day came i was even more terrified but boy was i ready i had gained 35 pounds my feet was swollen (if u could call what i had feet), my breast were huge and painful, i had bumps all over my face and not to mention the heat was killing me but i also couldn't wait to see him, to hold him, to kiss his. I was NOT mentally or physically prepared for labor i mean i watched all the videos, asked all the questions, did the research but nothing could have prepared me for it. I went to the hospital August 26th at 8:30pm 3 weeks early I had to be induced because I had a huge drop in fluid, so at 4:30am they came in started the process, i didn't know that you couldn't eat until after you gave birth and by the end i was starved :( but in the beginning everything went good but somewhere between 4:30am and 2:00pm my pump that was giving me the medicine broke no one noticed it until 2:00pm so we had to start the process over, i didn't decide to get the epidural until the last min. but getting it didn't solve any problems in fact it made it worse, but at about 9:00pm it was decided that i would need a c-section, so my little man was born 9:48pm on August 27th. when i felt his little body disconnect from mine i cried but not tears of sadness but tears of pure joy and contempt. when i first held him i was shocked, i was like that came out of me this little human was growing inside of me and now he's here WOW i still had so many uncertainties, so many questions, so much fear, but when i looked in his sweet little face i knew everything would be ok, I also knew that my life would never be the same ever.......that was three months ago and let me tell you the shock still hasn't worn off yet. they grow so fast it seems like yesterday i was pregnant and now I'm a mother once again wow.....