Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Man it's been a long time since i have been on here....a lot has happened my son is now 8 months and even though he is 8 months i am still just as scared as i was when he was 1 week...every day brings a new challenge, a new worry, but it also brings hope..I will never understand this blessing....God has given me something that is so special and so sweet that i cant thank him enough...i just watch my little angle sleep and my heart fills with love..something so small can bring so much joy...but along with being 8 months comes new adventures like crawling (well kinda crawling), and eating new and exciting foods, still no teeth :( but we are making progress in other areas. I was given that your baby can read thing.. and we are on tape one....and how long did he watch tape one?...maybe like 2 seconds lol....and I was all into it..doing the actions, making the sounds, saying the words just like they said them.....I really think I got more out of the tape than he did :) many other things have gone on in my life too...right now i don't understand why...but maybe in the future I will but today i don't......any mom is always giving him things he isn't suppose to have, who knew the child would become the fussing mother..I remember when i was little and i would hear my mom fuss at my grandmother for letting us do things we were not suppose to do...and here I am being the fussing its funny how the past becomes the present, I am suppose to be sleep, they always say that you should sleep when the baby is sleeping well he is sleep and here I am typing on the computer...go figure. I am also trying to get him to sleep in his own bed's gotten a lot easier than when I first started this task....if I put him to sleep then put him in his bed than we are fine..but if i put him in his bed while he is sleepy but awake...I can forget it and then he starts to scream like some one in a horror film lol....but every day is a new struggle and every day I learn something new about my self and about my son

1 comment:

  1. I received your comment over at How to Become Unfat and my best advice to you would be to set a goal. Whether it is to become fit or to lose weight or what ever it may, write it down where you will see it every day. Then figure out what smaller, short-term goals you will need to obtain the bigger long-term goal. Give yourself deadlines. Second find yourself a workout routine that you enjoy and stick to it like glue. I really enjoy the Wii Fit and EA Active Sports. If a routine doesn't work for you then find creative ways to workout. Like while you are dusting turn the music up and dance around the room. Anything to get your heart rate up. Get you little one involved with you. It is never too early to teach them about the importance of exercise. I hope that this helps you get started. I am hoping to have the blog going again very soon.
